Friday, August 31, 2007

9 Months Old

Hello Friends and Family

Aidan has a job now working at a local bottle drive in/shop, Yayyy! He is doing so well at being a home daddy and hubby to me (figure of speech). I have meals cooked for me when I come home and Isabella absolutely loves spending time with him and as he does with her. So the swap of roles has worked quite well. Aidan has also started his studies in Sports Contract Law and enjoying the taste of whats too come. I am enjoying my job with Wenatex although sometimes it would be nice to have more work, but I am sure that will come with time and experience.

Isabella is crawling extremely well, she's there one minute and gone the next, climbing into and onto everything, getting in cupboards and fridges at any opportunity, she is doing very well. She even now tries to copy the sounds of our words, such as goodbye. Its actually quite rewarding to see her slowly develop and sometimes it happens so quickly. She is not yet walking but she is happily walking with us aided her very well and can now take four steps with us holding one hand - although she does this very reluctantly.

We are getting her christened this Sunday, so she will now be a child of god. We are having a morning tea afterwards with the family. Aidan's Mom has ventures down for the occasion and is staying with us for a few days before heading back to sunny Bundaberg.

Yes I am still enjoying being in Brisbane and we have all settled in quite well.

By the way I have chopped my hair off and now have a Katie Holmes hair style, which looks very trendy. I will put up a photo soon so you can have a peep at the new me.

Anyway I hope all is going well and would love to hear from you soon.

Love Sheree xxx

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