Monday, September 17, 2007

10 Months Old

Hello Again,

All is well in the Kav - Heath household, we are currently very happy, working hard and playing with our beautiful daughter.

We introduced sushi to her last weekend and it was really funny as she just spat it out (Not raw fish - nori rolls). She eats about anything these days, which is great because it is now easier to prepare her food although she still insist on eating with her hands so no liquid stuff until she learns to eat with a spoon.

I went to a 0-5 year old market last weekend and I thought it was such a great idea, clothes were priced at $2 and their were so many toys from $5 to about $20, bargains I say. I got Bella this little cubby house and she crawls through it and it rewards her by lighting up and plays music. She loves it as it is another item she can pull herself up on. Thanks to my sister in law - this market is such a great idea to save money.

Isabella can now hold her balance on her own - with no support. I have been told that she could do this for awhile before taking her first step. We are in no hurry though as she is qite happy at crawling around and so are we. She is also opening draws and getting into the tupperware, Aidan said the other day he was so proud when he first taught her but know he wish he hadn't because she makes such a mess.

We thought Isabella tooth cut last week but it was a false alarm, The two are just sitting under the surface, you can see then but still no sign of them coming through yet. This apparently as well can go on for some time.

Anyway I hope everyone is well - speak soon.

Love Sheree xxx

1 comment:

the london spy said...

hi yummy mummy
gotta love these blogs - best way to keep updated and in touch. so pleased to hear everything is gong well - meals cooked an everything!
see u on facebook